Image of child sucking thumb which represents the early childhood signals that might lead to faulty hunger awareness.

As infants when we cry, very often our mother will put something into our mouth – something to suck, drink or eat to quieten and soothe us. This happens countless times during the most formative years of our life.

In consequence we often unconsciously link pain, anger, frustration or grief with the need to put something in our mouth.

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Discharge of Neural Aspects - DofNA

Releasing Cellular Memory

When we experience a lot of trauma in our lives, we become very out of touch with our emotions. We can get to a point where we can no longer tell the difference between emotion and feeling.

For this reason, we start the Basic Discharge of Neural Aspects Treatment by optimising your connection to your “Self”. This gives you a much stronger connection to your own power – enabling you to create clear boundaries and make choices that uphold your own integrity. Decisions and choices made from a weak emotional state, a state of fear, can have a very destructive effect on our lives.

Our habitual fearful thoughts and beliefs create their own agenda causing us to react in defensive, destructive ways that create so much havoc in our lives.

These fearful and often angry “knee-jerk” responses are created in the period from conception to the age of 20. During these formative years, in an attempt to protect our vulnerable inner selves, we have needed to “armour” and defend ourselves against a threatening outer environment. This physical and emotional armouring created originally to protect us, becomes with time, not only limiting but destructive.

There are numerous ways in which we strive to protect and defend ourselves, however these defences, this “armouring” actually keeps our past traumatic experiences firmly in place in our present lives. We then see the same vicious circles of dysfunctional behaviour patterns occurring again and again in our lives.
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Man with open arms, joyful at water edge

Hypnosis a Solution to rewriting your Past

So often people carry their life story around with them like an energy sapping burden. They identify with the pain, trauma, drama and fear from their past.  This then dictates the shape of their present life, draining away all colour and joy.  In consequence, they are held back every time they want to progress in their life.

Close-up of Barbed Wire Representing Pain and Trauma

Can our history be changed? Most definitely Yes!

Hypnosis allows you to travel vertically down through time and rewrite the numbing effect traumatic memories have upon you. Far from reliving the past,  I use hypnosis to help you bring the light of your conscious awareness to that past.

It is this deeper comprehension that then releases the blocked emotions that were trapped in your very being.

In every instance, many painful emotions have been suppressed during times of trauma, fear or confusion.  Therefore, by releasing these very emotions and replacing them with healing energy, you set free the magnetic charge that was trapped in that memory.

In this way, hypnosis is a solution to rewriting your past.


This can be done in various ways.  By Cutting the Ties that Bind from a past situation or person, you become detached and unburdened from useless negative aspects of that experience.

Through hypnosis, I also work in connecting my client to the very sensations that underly their suppressed emotions.  This gives so much space for that healing release to occur.

Releasing trapped Pain and generating Life Force Energy

In this way, the pain of blocked cellular memory can be replaced by beautiful healing light.  With the intention to be set free, a powerful dynamic occurs.  The energetic charge that was trapped in these emotions is set free.  Dr Brenda Davies explains this process very well in this brief video.

By crying the tears, expressing the anger and even venting the hatred from those past experiences, you free up energy from the cells of your body.

You will still have the memory but in a diminished detached capacity.

Panic Attacks and Anxiety - Red rose held in black and white hands
Transforming Negative Beliefs into Positive Energy

Another method I use is to give my clients a very deliberate step by step method to quieten the continuous thoughts that limit, torment and diminish them.  Therefore they can then return their awareness to the present moment.  In this way, what they once obsessed about can finally be relegated to a distant memory.

This technique works even for a person who has suffered repeated abuse in their childhood. Emotional, sexual, physical or mental abuse; all need to be cleared.  It is necessary to become aware of these useless circular thoughts and the toxic beliefs that underlie them.  I use this dynamic method to break this unconscious connection.  Clients are then empowered to replace the negative thoughts/beliefs with a simple exercise.  In other words, they learn to refocus their awareness back to the present moment.

Releasing Resistance

People will always try to resist pain in the body.  This prevents them from relaxing into healing.  So in releasing this resistance, their blocked feelings can also be released.  Their body changes to a much lighter and more relaxed state.

Above all, many clients report knots of tension completely disappearing.

In conclusion, time truly has no dominion.  We are masters of our own destiny.  We can rewrite our history. 

Person Walking in Rain

Often people suffering from depression feel that there’s nothing they can do to lift themselves out of their state. However, there are several steps to overcome depression that can be practised straight away to counteract its effects. Beginning to introduce the varied approaches of Mindfulness into one’s life can be very empowering: One such thought filtering approach is called:

The Three Gateways

Most people who are depressed suffer a constant stream of self-negating thoughts streaming through their mind all day long. By using this “Three Gateways” technique – even for just a few minutes every day – you would soon become aware of the countless daily situations where you unnecessarily make yourself wrong. What keeps us stuck in distress are thoughts that result in painful images, emotions, memories and sensations. Self-blame and condemnation never accomplish anything and they are a toxic energy drainer.

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A beautiful garden representing a safe place to heal

Deep down you already know the solutions to your problems, but it’s very difficult to find the time and space to access these solutions. When you feel overwhelmed by the challenges and demands of life, knowing there IS a way forward and a space where it’s safe to be vulnerable can be a great help.

Ongoing support and guidance can transform long standing fears and phobias; can heal and resolve relationship issues, opening up a whole new life experience.

What can Psychotherapy do for me?

People come to me suffering from low self esteem, profound grief, depression, anxiety and stress related illnesses. Psychotherapy provides the means of finding the core issues that underlie many of our fears and phobias and gives us a safe space to heal.