Eugenie Heraty
Person running down country lane

How Unexamined Assumptions from Childhood affect our Adult Life Sometimes my clients ask “how can I possibly know what’s going on in my subconscious mind?” The answer is most unexpected. Look...

Overcoming Dysfunctional Behaviour

The Futility of War We live in a world that is torn apart by strife and warfare. So many needless wars are fought and there is so much suffering and death. ...

Panic Attacks and Anxiety - Red rose held in black and white hands

This article is about becoming more present and conscious. It's about all the ways this will serve us and enrich our lives. When we create a much healthier relationship...

Self Esteem & Confidence

So many of us go through our lives burdened by low self esteem. We constantly make negative statements about ourselves. If questioned, many people will tell you of their weaknesses, failings...