A Rooted Tree Growing Strong

The Molecules of Emotion Much research has been done on the molecules of emotion by scientists such as Dr. Candace Pert and Dr. Joseph Dispensa. Discussing neurology within the brain, they explain how a Neural Net is a building up of concepts from experience and repetition. If an experience is repeated often enough, it forms a thought form.  This thought form or concept, then causes a  neural net to form. In this way our beliefs create reality. Nerves that wire together, fire together. If for example our mindset…

Neural Nets - Beliefs Create Reality

Read Part 1 of Beliefs Create Reality Here Creating New Neural Nets How can we make our very cells more responsive to absorb positive nutrients? How can we change the negative behaviours and fearful mindset that centres around illness? Beliefs create reality.  In other words, we make this change by working from the inside out.  We change our reaction to our life and our environment. This is the very first thing that we need to change.  Because it is only by changing our attitude towards ourselves and others that…


Releasing Thought Rocks from Conception to Birth Letting go of old Fears From the moment of conception, the developing foetus is being prepared for the world it will be born into. Therefore during the 9 months of gestation in the womb, we are profoundly affected by our parents. Their every mood, emotion and attitude to life is woven into the growing foetus.  In this way, the newborn baby is then ready to face the life situation and environment it will be arriving into. Mindful pregnancy profoundly affects the…