Stress Related Illness represented by the image of Stormy Sea.

Psychosomatic Disorders Behind every painful emotion, there is an unreleased energetic charge which eventually lodges itself in our physical bodies and creates blockages to the free flow of our energy. The initial trauma occurs in the mind and the emotions; this then impacts on the physical body creating imbalances such as muscular cramps or digestive disorders, hypertension or insomnia. In this way, the body’s imbalances can cause illnesses that have their source in emotional pain.

Close up of pink flowers on tree

“I really must try to get some sleep tonight”. How many times have we been haunted by this thought? So often the dread of something is far worse than the thing itself. This anticipation projects our thoughts towards an imaginary future that may never happen, or that may turn out to be completely different. Worrying about sleeplessness, and about how we’ll feel the next day, uses up far more energy than simply accepting it; relaxing and focusing on letting go.

Working with The Breath

Our every mood and emotion is mirrored in the way we breathe. When we’re relaxed and happy our breath is soft, deep and flows easily. When we’re fearful, angry or traumatized, however, we tend to hyperventilate; taking short shallow breaths or even holding our breath altogether! Often we don’t even notice this tendency, and many people become aware of their breathing only when they’re out of breath.

Leaf curled up representing Intimate Relationship Healing

Panic Attacks usually occur when there is a constant background drain of anxiety.  This is often triggered by a particular event or combination of events.  People usually feel powerless to prevent the awful debilitating effects of a panic attack. But far from being helpless in the face of Panic Attacks and Anxiety, there are many ways to quieten and reduce these effects. Fear is a very powerful teacher that can highly motivate us to take dynamic steps to avoid panic attacks Strategies to Reduce Panic Attacks and Anxiety Focussing the…

Father holding baby to chest

So often the dread of something is far worse than the thing itself. Worrying about sleeplessness, and about how we’ll feel the next day, burns up far more energy than simply accepting it; relaxing and focusing on letting go. Whenever we lack sleep and feel fragile; whenever we feel vulnerable or over stretched, we try to control our lives by mapping out our future. In attempting to “sort things out”, we can fall prey to obsessive “planning” in the small hours of the morning – a time when…