If we suppress and choke down grief it will then move to become suppressed in the head. This is experienced as anger. When we finally deny, control and suppress this anger, it moves right out into the energy field and manifests as Depression.
There are numerous ways past traumas affect our present behaviour and can cause dysfunctional behaviour; from panic attacks to depression, phobias to explosive anger. Traumatic experiences, no matter how severe, can be resolved by identifying and working with the deeper underlying imbalances that caused them in the first place. It is said that if we can’t, or don’t want, to deal with emotional pain (and here I include hatred, anger, jealousy, and grief), that blocked energy has to “land” somewhere. It is the physical body and in consequence, our…
The loss of a loved partner, child, friend or even a beloved animal can leave us feeling bereft, angry and even depressed. We embark on a future without our loved one while surrounded by numerous reminders of their absence. Our everyday lifestyle and actions are seriously affected. Grieving is a PROCESS that we need to go through – it doesn’t just pass away with time nor can it be rationalised away by the intellect.
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