The Damage Inflicted by Negative Beliefs Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves tormented by cruel, self defeating thoughts. We believe: “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure” “I’ll never be as good as John/Sue”, “I’m fat, ugly” etc. These destructive thoughts/emotions always seem to appear when we’re at our most vulnerable; when we’re tired, sick or stressed. Having a life of their own, they can run in an endless repetitive loop at the back of our minds draining us of so much energy. Often, at the…
Many years ago I was inspired by Shakti Gawain’s visualisation techniques and have used them often since. I particularly liked the Pink Bubble technique for creating your highest vision. This involves placing your vision into a beautiful pink bubble of light and then releasing it into the Universe. Preparing the Ground – Gaining Clarity First of all, it’s important to be very clear about what you want to create in your life. Really take some time to connect to your highest vision asking yourself “Will this bring fulfilment/happiness…
In an ideal world food should simply be an enjoyable way to fuel the body. However, in some instances, food has become inextricably linked with emotional messages that have nothing whatsoever to do with nourishing the body. Food can be used as a reward; the only way some people know how to demonstrate affection is by lavishing food. Others use it as a punishment: forcing children to finish everything from their plate, or sending them to bed hungry for a misdemeanour. This can have two different outcomes –…
So many of us go through our lives burdened by low self esteem. We constantly make negative statements about ourselves. If questioned, many people will tell you of their weaknesses, failings and problems. They have little or no self esteem and confidence. Finding self confidence usually involves identifying these negative beliefs. Then removing them completely! When we examine our negative self statements, we usually find that they have their source in what we were told as children. False Conditioning from the past I once knew a woman who…
The Molecules of Emotion Much research has been done on the molecules of emotion by scientists such as Dr. Candace Pert and Dr. Joseph Dispensa. Discussing neurology within the brain, they explain how a Neural Net is a building up of concepts from experience and repetition. If an experience is repeated often enough, it forms a thought form. This thought form or concept, then causes a neural net to form. In this way our beliefs create reality. Nerves that wire together, fire together. If for example our mindset…
Read Part 1 of Beliefs Create Reality Here Creating New Neural Nets How can we make our very cells more responsive to absorb positive nutrients? How can we change the negative behaviours and fearful mindset that centres around illness? Beliefs create reality. In other words, we make this change by working from the inside out. We change our reaction to our life and our environment. This is the very first thing that we need to change. Because it is only by changing our attitude towards ourselves and others that…
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