This is a guided meditation for people who feel a little ungrounded and overwhelmed by stressful people and life situations.
Shaping a Higher Destiny Workshop
... When the opportunity arose to attend her “Shaping a Higher Destiny” workshop I jumped at the chance. I wasn’t disappointed with my decision. ...
Mark Motor Mechanic
There is a highly effective technique that I frequently use for generating positive outcomes when I feel I’m going to be challenged by a person or situation. This is to simply visualise a Ray of Light shining upon the future event to generate a “Win-Win” situation for all concerned. Many of us face potentially stressful encounters with others; job interviews, business meetings, a confrontation with a friend or family member So much can potentially go wrong! In wanting to clear up a misunderstanding, we can’t find the right…
The Futility of War We live in a world that is torn apart by strife and warfare. So many needless wars are fought and there is so much suffering and death. These wars can be in the name of politics, economics, nationalism or religion. Billions are spent each year on the “industry” of warfare – on man’s inhumanity to man. Increasingly every rational person understands that no war is ever won. The devastation and loss on both sides are proof alone of that. The aftermath of pain, loss…
So many of us go through our lives burdened by low self esteem. We constantly make negative statements about ourselves. If questioned, many people will tell you of their weaknesses, failings and problems. They have little or no self esteem and confidence. Finding self confidence usually involves identifying these negative beliefs. Then removing them completely! When we examine our negative self statements, we usually find that they have their source in what we were told as children. False Conditioning from the past I once knew a woman who…
Baggage from the Past I often work with couples whose relationships are floundering. Their children are the usual reason they are still together. In most cases, the underlying problem is that they bring to their adult relationship unresolved emotional pain from their past. It is imperative that they find ways of clearing emotional space between them. They need to recognise and release the baggage from their past. Many have suffered a childhood which was abusive and traumatic. As kids the only way they knew how to get by…
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