Old Door Lock Representing Unlocking the Key to Self Development and Growth

With the aid of individual recordings, I teach self empowerment and relaxation techniques.  These are tailored to your unique needs.  You can  release tension and fear, boost self confidence, and improve your relationship with others with the assistance of these recordings.

Self Esteem & Confidence

Many years ago I was inspired by Shakti Gawain’s visualisation techniques and have used them often since. I particularly liked the Pink Bubble technique for creating your highest vision. This involves placing your vision into a beautiful pink bubble of light and then releasing it into the Universe. Preparing the Ground – Gaining Clarity First of all, it’s important to be very clear about what you want to create in your life. Really take some time to connect to your highest vision asking yourself “Will this bring fulfilment/happiness…

Overcoming Dysfunctional Behaviour

The Futility of War We live in a world that is torn apart by strife and warfare. So many needless wars are fought and there is so much suffering and death.  These wars can be in the name of politics, economics, nationalism or religion. Billions are spent each year on the “industry” of warfare – on man’s inhumanity to man. Increasingly every rational person understands that no war is ever won.  The devastation and loss on both sides are proof alone of that. The aftermath of pain, loss…

Close up of yellow flower

There is a universal life principle that causes embryos to turn into babies, seeds to blossom into trees and flowers and galaxies to revolve around one another. This same blessed wisdom resides within every cell of our body. With a little support from us, we can uncover the body‘s great wisdom in creating optimum health.  We can greatly help the body to rebalance and detoxify itself. However, the greatest healer of all is the right mental and emotional attitude and that is peacefulness of mind. So, unburdened by…

Self Esteem & Confidence

So many of us go through our lives burdened by low self esteem. We constantly make negative statements about ourselves. If questioned, many people will tell you of their weaknesses, failings and problems. They have little or no self esteem and confidence. Finding self confidence usually involves identifying these negative beliefs. Then removing them completely! When we examine our negative self statements, we usually find that they have their source in what we were told as children. False Conditioning from the past I once knew a woman who…

Neural Nets - Beliefs Create Reality

Read Part 1 of Beliefs Create Reality Here Creating New Neural Nets How can we make our very cells more responsive to absorb positive nutrients? How can we change the negative behaviours and fearful mindset that centres around illness? Beliefs create reality.  In other words, we make this change by working from the inside out.  We change our reaction to our life and our environment. This is the very first thing that we need to change.  Because it is only by changing our attitude towards ourselves and others that…

Person running down country lane

Opening up New Horizons The following is an amusing analogy that I came across some years ago – I don’t know who wrote it, but it illustrates how taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions opens out our life to new horizons of possibility: I walk down a street – there’s a huge hole ahead. Not paying attention, I fall in. “Poor me”, I rant and rage. “Who made this wretched hole?“. “How could this happen to me?”. Yelling and screaming, I demand that someone pulls me out….