Droplets on flower

  The Damage Inflicted by Negative Beliefs Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves tormented by cruel, self defeating thoughts.  We believe: “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure”  “I’ll never be as good as John/Sue”, “I’m fat, ugly” etc. These destructive thoughts/emotions always seem to appear when we’re at our most vulnerable; when we’re tired, sick or stressed. Having a life of their own, they can run in an endless repetitive loop at the back of our minds draining us of so much energy.  Often, at the…

A beautiful garden representing a safe place to heal

Deep down you already know the solutions to your problems, but it’s very difficult to find the time and space to access these solutions. When you feel overwhelmed by the challenges and demands of life, knowing there IS a way forward and a space where it’s safe to be vulnerable can be a great help. Ongoing support and guidance can transform long standing fears and phobias; can heal and resolve relationship issues, opening up a whole new life experience. What can Psychotherapy do for me? People come to…

Stress Related Illness represented by the image of Stormy Sea.

Psychosomatic Disorders Behind every painful emotion, there is an unreleased energetic charge which eventually lodges itself in our physical bodies and creates blockages to the free flow of our energy. The initial trauma occurs in the mind and the emotions; this then impacts on the physical body creating imbalances such as muscular cramps or digestive disorders, hypertension or insomnia. In this way, the body’s imbalances can cause illnesses that have their source in emotional pain.

Working with The Breath

Our every mood and emotion is mirrored in the way we breathe. When we’re relaxed and happy our breath is soft, deep and flows easily. When we’re fearful, angry or traumatized, however, we tend to hyperventilate; taking short shallow breaths or even holding our breath altogether! Often we don’t even notice this tendency, and many people become aware of their breathing only when they’re out of breath.

Couple standing at water edge

Baggage from the Past I often work with couples whose relationships are floundering.   Their children are the usual reason they are still together.  In most cases, the underlying problem is that they bring to their adult relationship unresolved emotional pain from their past.  It is imperative that they find ways of clearing emotional space between them.  They need to recognise and release the baggage from their past. Many have suffered a childhood which was abusive and traumatic.  As kids the only way they knew how to get by…

Tall trees in forest

In Healing our Inner Demons, we gain priceless Self Awareness However when we push away and disown our unwanted behaviours many things happen. Disowning our anger, jealousy, fears, hatreds means that these emotions have nowhere to go. We then, unintentionally create these “demons” that come back to haunt us when we’re feeling low, tired or ill. Negative Conditioning from Childhood Say I have had many ongoing childhood experiences of being found “wrong”, “not good enough”, or labelled “stupid” by either parents or teachers. Years later I leave home/school,…