With the aid of individual recordings, I teach self empowerment and relaxation techniques. These are tailored to your unique needs. You can release tension and fear, boost self confidence, and improve your relationship with others with the assistance of these recordings.
Many years ago I was inspired by Shakti Gawain’s visualisation techniques and have used them often since. I particularly liked the Pink Bubble technique for creating your highest vision. This involves placing your vision into a beautiful pink bubble of light and then releasing it into the Universe. Preparing the Ground – Gaining Clarity First of all, it’s important to be very clear about what you want to create in your life. Really take some time to connect to your highest vision asking yourself “Will this bring fulfilment/happiness…
So many of us go through our lives burdened by low self esteem. We constantly make negative statements about ourselves. If questioned, many people will tell you of their weaknesses, failings and problems. They have little or no self esteem and confidence. Finding self confidence usually involves identifying these negative beliefs. Then removing them completely! When we examine our negative self statements, we usually find that they have their source in what we were told as children. False Conditioning from the past I once knew a woman who…
Tenderness and Compassion One stormy day recently, I heard a loud thump as if something had been thrown against the window. When I looked there was a female blackbird lying upside-down with her little head bent back beneath her body. I ran outside and very gently picked her up. I was delighted to see her neck wasn’t broken and a few moments later, she moved her wings. Incredible that she wasn’t dead. I quickly found her a sheltered nook out of the wind. Watching her slowly recover, I…
Opening up New Horizons The following is an amusing analogy that I came across some years ago – I don’t know who wrote it, but it illustrates how taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions opens out our life to new horizons of possibility: I walk down a street – there’s a huge hole ahead. Not paying attention, I fall in. “Poor me”, I rant and rage. “Who made this wretched hole?“. “How could this happen to me?”. Yelling and screaming, I demand that someone pulls me out….
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