Transforming Negative Beliefs into Positive Energy

what is this?


The damage inflicted by negative beliefs

Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves tormented by cruel, self defeating thoughts.  We believe: “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure”  “I’ll never be as good as John/Sue”, “I’m fat, ugly” etc. These destructive thoughts/emotions always seem to appear when we’re at our most vulnerable; when we’re tired, sick or stressed. Having a life of their own, they can run in an endless repetitive loop at the back of our minds draining us of so much energy.  Often the very time when we need our strength and courage the most, these negative beliefs come to torment and diminish us.

Crazy though this seems, we attack ourselves with our own energy!

The Inherited Whip of “Not Good Enough”

Many of us have grown up with a constant barrage of criticism or negative comparisons from a parent, teacher, sibling or peer.  Eventually we unconsciously take over these negative, destructive tendencies and continue to berate ourselves.  It’s really important therefore to throw down this inherited whip.  How do we do this?  By becoming conscious of these negative tendency and finding ways to transform these negative beliefs into positive energy.

 Technique for Change

These beliefs do most damage when we’re not fully aware of them.  Behind our awareness, they’re allowed to continuously siphon away our energy with their destructive whisperings.

People are always shocked by the poison of their self statements when they see them written out.

Here are the crucial steps in transforming negative beliefs into positive energy – I’ve described them in more detail below this list

  • Write out the Beliefs to help you become more conscious of them.
  • Become Aware of these thoughts as they’re occurring right now
  • Break the Thought Pattern by imagining a loud Bell or Gong sounding
  • Re-centre your energy by softening throughout your body
  • Focus on your Breath and return even more energy to this Present Moment
Close up of yellow flower
Technique for Change – some details

Becoming Conscious – Identifying these beliefs requires that you honestly look at yourself and your life.  Notice all the life situations where you hold harsh criticisms and unrealistic expectations of yourself.  How often do you compare yourself negatively with others?  How often were you condemned and criticised by a punitive parent, teacher or even sibling?

Becoming Aware – Initially you become aware of moments when you were thinking these thoughts in the past few days or earlier today.  Then with practise, you become able to catch these thoughts as they arise right now.

“I’m thinking/BELIEVING these thoughts right now“,  “I’m allowing these negative thoughts to attack me again”.

Break the Thought Pattern – As you become more adept at recognising this negative self speak, you then consciously redirect your energy back within yourself.   A good way to do this is to imagine the loud ringing of a bell or gong.  Why?  Because this is a very clear and deliberate way to break these repetitive thought patterns.

Re-centre your Energy – Find a few moments privacy so you can sit quietly and close your eyes.  Scan down the length of your body and very deliberately and consciously relax, release and soften all the areas within that hold tension.  You’ll notice that these sensations of pain or tension are very familiar; a tight knot in the solar plexus, an unconscious lifting/tension in the shoulders, a clenched jaw.

If there are areas of pain or tension that cannot be relaxed or released, then simply allow these sensations to just be as they as they are.  This is the exact opposite to pushing them away and ignoring them. Keep doing this for a few minutes until you feel a real opening and softening within.

Blowing bubbles

Focus on your Breath – When you feel a real shift towards relaxation and release, then return your attention to your breath.  Don’t change your breathing – just observe it.  Notice that by simply observing the breath, it quietens down and can become very subtle and faint.  This is a sign that your relaxation is deepening.

Like anything of value, these simple steps need practise. To strengthen your intention, ask yourself

“Do I want to get lost again in these negative thoughts/beliefs/emotions?” “Am I going to allow these beliefs to rob me of energy again?”

Transforming your Life

This simple technique can be used to gain mastery over any negative emotion such as anger, jealousy, fear or greed.  Working in this way requires a willingness to be honest with ourselves coupled with a non judgemental self acceptance. Only then can we make real, lasting changes in our lives.  What positive changes have ever come from years of berating/hating/condemning ourselves?

Now, instead of attacking yourself with your own energy, you can consciously choose what kind of thoughts/emotions to allow into your consciousness.

 You can use this transformed energy to nurture, empower and relax yourself.

Reaping the Benefits

Connecting deeply into the physical body in this way brings many benefits – we become so much more calm and grounded.  We no longer waste our precious energy worrying and obsessing about the past or the future. Instead of being lost in negative thoughts, we become increasingly able to be aware of what IS.  In this way, we bring so much depth and colour back into our lives.

Finally when our relationships with ourself improves and heals, our relationships with others are automatically affected in a very benevolent way.

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