Read Part 1 of Beliefs Create Reality Here Creating New Neural Nets How can we make our very cells more responsive to absorb positive nutrients? How can we change the negative behaviours and fearful mindset that centres around illness? Beliefs create reality. In other words, we make this change by working from the inside out. We change our reaction to our life and our environment. This is the very first thing that we need to change. Because it is only by changing our attitude towards ourselves and others that…
Tenderness and Compassion One stormy day recently, I heard a loud thump as if something had been thrown against the window. When I looked there was a female blackbird lying upside-down with her little head bent back beneath her body. I ran outside and very gently picked her up. I was delighted to see her neck wasn’t broken and a few moments later, she moved her wings. Incredible that she wasn’t dead. I quickly found her a sheltered nook out of the wind. Watching her slowly recover, I…
Observing oneself instead of blaming another. When two people come together there is initially the exciting “honeymoon” period. They’re getting to know each other. However, after a few months or even mere weeks, the gloss diminishes. This is when the deeper aspects of each begin to surface. But how many realise that seeing their relationships for spiritual growth can be a very dynamic way to develop. For instance we bring to every relationship, romantic or otherwise, all the unresolved baggage from our own past. The more intimate the relationship, the…
Opening up New Horizons The following is an amusing analogy that I came across some years ago – I don’t know who wrote it, but it illustrates how taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions opens out our life to new horizons of possibility: I walk down a street – there’s a huge hole ahead. Not paying attention, I fall in. “Poor me”, I rant and rage. “Who made this wretched hole?“. “How could this happen to me?”. Yelling and screaming, I demand that someone pulls me out….
The damage inflicted by negative beliefs Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves tormented by cruel, self defeating thoughts. We believe: “I’m not good enough”, “I’m a failure” “I’ll never be as good as John/Sue”, “I’m fat, ugly” etc. These destructive thoughts/emotions always seem to appear when we’re at our most vulnerable; when we’re tired, sick or stressed. Having a life of their own, they can run in an endless repetitive loop at the back of our minds draining us of so much energy. Often the very time…
In Healing our Inner Demons, we gain priceless Self Awareness However when we push away and disown our unwanted behaviours many things happen. Disowning our anger, jealousy, fears, hatreds means that these emotions have nowhere to go. We then, unintentionally create these “demons” that come back to haunt us when we’re feeling low, tired or ill. Negative Conditioning from Childhood Say I have had many ongoing childhood experiences of being found “wrong”, “not good enough”, or labelled “stupid” by either parents or teachers. Years later I leave home/school,…
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