Leaf curled up representing Intimate Relationship Healing

Self Healing

We often attract people who on some level resonate with us even if our outer personalities appear completely different. The more out of touch we are with our true nature, the more likely it is that we’ll attract a partner who is equally unaware of themselves. One person’s unfinished business erupts to clash with the other’s: unresolved jealousies, anger, or grudges from the past, all emerge to haunt them and create even more problems.

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In an ideal world food should simply be an enjoyable way to fuel the body.

However, in some instances, food has become inextricably linked with emotional messages that have nothing whatsoever to do with nourishing the body.

Food can be used as a reward; the only way some people know how to demonstrate affection is by lavishing food. Others use it as a punishment: forcing children to finish everything from their plate, or sending them to bed hungry for a misdemeanour. This can have two different outcomes – children can punish parents by rejecting their food, or they attempt to gain control “At least I will be in charge of what I put in my mouth”.

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The Path to The Heart


We live in a world that is torn apart by strife and warfare. Whether it is in the name of politics, economics, nationalism or religion; so many needless wars are fought and there is so much suffering and death. Billions are spent each year on the “industry” of warfare – on man’s inhumanity to man. Increasingly every rational person understands that no war is ever won – the devastation and loss on both sides are proof alone of that.

The aftermath of pain and loss and suffering compound it even more. So why are we so easily swept into yet another tidal wave of vengeance and retribution? What keeps us stuck in lashing out at others, making them wrong and affirming that we are right? Surely it’s because we suffer from an inability to truly be at peace within ourselves. We cannot bear to examine our inner anguish and it is from this deep seated lack of self acceptance that we are then pushed into the much easier option of highlighting the “faults” of others. This may seem a very sweeping statement;

yet if we take war away from the world stage and observe what goes on within our own lives, our families, our workplace; we see that there are numerous “small” wars being fought all the time.

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Overcoming Dysfunctional Behaviour

There are numerous ways past traumas affect our present behaviour and can cause dysfunctional behaviour; from panic attacks to depression, phobias to explosive anger. Traumatic experiences, no matter how severe, can be resolved by identifying and working with the deeper underlying imbalances that caused them in the first place. It is said that if we can’t, or don’t want, to deal with emotional pain (and here I include hatred, anger, jealousy, and grief), that blocked energy has to “land” somewhere. It is the physical body and in consequence, our behavioural patterns that carry the burden – there is nowhere else for it to go!

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Stress Related Illness represented by the image of Stormy Sea.

Psychosomatic Disorders

Behind every painful emotion, there is an unreleased energetic charge which eventually lodges itself in our physical bodies and creates blockages to the free flow of our energy.

The initial trauma occurs in the mind and the emotions; this then impacts on the physical body creating imbalances such as muscular cramps or digestive disorders, hypertension or insomnia. In this way, the body’s imbalances can cause illnesses that have their source in emotional pain.

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